Mahmood Al Nasheet participates in The Third Volunteer work meeting

Specialized panel discussion session at the Third Volunteer Work Meeting.

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On the occasion of International Volunteer Day, the Isa Town Social Charitable Society organized “Volunteer Chat” the third annual volunteer work meeting, in mini and specialized discussions that were joined by a group of volunteers of the association.

This annual meeting aims to research aspects of development in the association’s volunteer committees and review ideas and experiences. This aspect was discussed by Mr. Abdel Reza Al-Aliwat in his Volunteer Guide proposal with a group of members interested in organizing the volunteering process with new methods and visions that are compatible with the tools of the new era.

On the other hand, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Nasheet discussed the development of public relations in the association, the need to build strong relationships with other institutions, and how to overcome challenges and obstacles in order to build a public relations team capable of institutional charitable work.

In the media conference, it was attended by a group of Al Khair Media Center volunteers, moderated by the artist Muhammad Al-Saffar, who discussed the relationship of content to the techniques used and how to build the media message according to well-thought-out goals, and marketing the content according to the result that the audience will reach, while measuring the impact that the media will have, even in the long term.

This year's meeting marked the by focusing on the topics to be discussed and highlighting the sections most in need of developing volunteer work.