Meet Manar Fouad:
Nutrition Specialist "Manar Fouad" judged the second edition of the competition "Taslam Al Ayadi".

One of Altebbi's efforts, "Taslam Al Ayadi 02," held its winners announcement during the holy month of Ramadan. Nutrition Specialist "Manar Fouad" reviewed the entries to ensure the recipes met the competition standards and were healthy. The winners were selected based on the amount of likes the competitors obtained on the photos on our Instagram account, Altebbi.
We express our gratitude to "Manar Fouad," the nutrition specialist, for agreeing to appraise the participating dishes on behalf of Altebbi and putting her best efforts to make this competition a success. We hope to see you at Altebbi's "Taslam Al Ayadi 03" next year.
Manar Foaud and Altebbi's team sends their best wishes to those who did not win with us this year. We really hope you will join us next year,compete and win the competition!